
Advanced Customised LASIK (PerfectShape® LASIK)

Types of Customised LASIK

Advanced Customised LASIK (PerfectShape® LASIK)

In customized LASIK treatment, the laser ablation is specifically designed to treat every individual eye and patient.

A topographer is used to measure the individual shape and creates a customised "power map" of the cornea. This allows the surgeon to treat your corneal imperfections.

Customised LASIK results in a larger treatment zone and improves quality of vision especially at night.

What are the different types of customised LASIK?

  1. Wavefront-guided LASIK
  2. Aberration-free, aspheric or wavefront-optimised LASIK
  3. Corneal wavefront-guided or topography-guided LASIK

Normal cornea with all the inherent imperfections found in all patients' pre-LASIK surgery

  1. Wavefront-guided LASIK

    Wavefront-guided LASIK was the first form of customised LASIK treatment. However, it does not:

    • Take into consideration the original shape/contour of the cornea
    • Anticipate induced aberrations caused by LASIK

    This old technique is currently not used by many surgeons.

    Disadvantages of wavefront-guided LASIK:

    • Difficult to measure the visual distortion of the whole eye, including the lens
    • Variable results obtained which affected the final refractive accuracy
    • Small difference between standard and wavefront-guided LASIK

  2. Aberration-free, aspheric or wavefront-optimised LASIK

    Cornea after wavefront-optimised LASIK - corneal aberrations still left behind

    Wavefront-optimised LASIK is a very basic partial customisation:

    • It eliminates an average amount of aberrations from every eye and only treats some aberrations
    • It is better than standard LASIK but does not have the same final quality of vision compared to PerfectShape® LASIK

    This technique is the favourite amongst many corneal refractive surgeons as it is:

    • Simple and easy to calculate
    • Achieves relatively good and consistent results
  3. Corneal wavefront-guided or topography-guided LASIK (CWFG LASIK)

    Corneal wavefront-guided or topography-guided LASIK has achieved better treatment results compared to wavefront-guided and wavefront-optimised treatments.

    How does this work?

    • Corneal shape is most important for good vision as it governs the focus and quality of vision
    • Distorted cornea = Poor vision
    • Therefore, we have to correct the shape of the cornea
    • Imperfections of the cornea are smoothened over by PerfectShape® LASIK

SCHWIND Sirius corneal topographer used to measure the shape of the cornea

Corneal distortions are corrected and vision can be improved beyond 6/6 or 20/20 vision.

This is difficult to achieve with standard LASIK as it only corrects myopia and astigmatism but not the finer corneal distortions (higher-order aberrations).

Standard vs Customized LASIK

Standard / Conventional LASIK Perfect Shape® LASIK
(Advanced Customised LASIK)
Surgical assessment Easy Complex
Night vision Poor night vision, especially for patients with large pupils Maintains and can improve night vision, especially for patients with large pupils
Individual characteristics Not necessary Very important
Experienced surgeon Not necessary Very important
Results Good Excellent
Quality of vision Average Very good to excellent
Cost Inexpensive Expensive

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Types of Customised LASIK
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