A complete eye examination is administered by Dr Jerry Tan and his team. This examination is to exclude common eye diseases like binocular vision problems, cataract, glaucoma, retinal tears and holes, etc.
This appointment will take at least:
- 2 hours for adults
- 3 hours for children aged 12 and below
There are three main steps in this examination.

- Refraction
It is the process of determining the eye's refractive power. During refraction, the optometrist puts a trial frame with lenses in front of your eyes to show you a series of choices. By going through this process, the optometrist will be able to accurately measure your spectacle prescription. This is necessary to help determine the general health of your eye.
- Dilated fundus examination
Dilating drops are instilled in your eyes to enlarge the pupils, allowing a better view of the internal structures of the eye (retina). The pupil is like a curtain that opens and closes controlling the amount of light entering the eye. By opening the pupil, the inside of your eye can be visualized.
- Slit lamp examination
A slit lamp is a corneal microscope which provides a narrow beam of strong light for examination of the eyes
Other relevant tests may be performed depending on the complaint and results found on the day of the examination.
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