
Contact Lens Fitting

Soft Contact Lenses

There are many types of soft contact lenses currently available in the market. They cater to different modality and uses. They can be used to correct myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia ("youthful" longsightedness), astigmatism and even presbyopia.

Types of contact lenses available:

  1. Daily wear
  2. Bi-weekly wear
  3. Monthly wear
  4. Conventional

Types of soft contact lenses available (with regards to refraction):

  1. Spherical (no astigmatism)
  2. Astigmatism
  3. Multifocal
  4. Cosmetic (coloured)

  5. RGP Lenses ›

Contact Lens Fitting
Soft Contact Lenses
Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Lenses
Piggyback Lenses
Prosthetic Lenses
Contact Lens Care and Hygiene
Jerry Tan Eye Surgery - Singapore - Soft Contact Lenses